We were part of the Rottalschau and Karpfhamer Fest for the fourth time. Behind us, we have five successful days with more than 400,000 visitors from the whole of Germany and the surrounding neighbouring countries. It began sunny and got rainy towards the middle, then the highlight of Bavarian agriculture ended with dream weather. The range and diversity of exhibitors grows year to year, and once again, there was something of interest for everyone.
Fertiliser strategies’ status quo
In the technical talks, there was great interest in efficient nutrient application and new strategies for fertilising in reaction to the fertiliser ordinance. Even the dryness once more of 2019 following the 2018 year of drought evoked many questions, the approaches for this, for example, were deposit fertilisation. Combinations of fertilisation and seeding technology are meanwhile among the standard range of reputable machinery manufacturers. Even deposit machines for positioned fertilisation in maize stock are becoming more important. Above all, the requirements for distances to water can thereby be fulfilled as best possible, and the nutrient run-offs clearly reduced.
Fertilising maize in the spotlight
In large parts of Germany and above all in Rottal, maize cultivation is of great significance; maize fields run as far as the eye can see. It is for that reason that many farmers are interested in the application of DOMOGRAN®, whether distributed under foot or far and wide, fertiliser is suitable for cultivation. It is in particular the managers of their own agricultural fertilisers that are extremely interested in the information about calcium phosphate and micronutrients through DOMOGRAN®. The reduction in the phosphate limit of 10 kg/ha in the operational nutrient balance often does not allow for any other high mineral phosphorous administrations.
Agricultural trends
Even the knowledge of the significance of a cultivation-wide sulphur supply was heightened. Through the impending -20% nitrogen fertilisation in red areas, an efficient nitrogen uptake through sufficient sulphur administrations is evermore coming to the fore. In agricultural engineering, the optimal lateral distribution of fertiliser spreaders and site-specific fertilisation is an important matter. Software solutions that run across manufacturers have already been developed for this. All in all, the Rottalschau 2019 renewed a complete success and the slogan “Oans wie koans” (one like no other) was fulfilled in full.