High up in the north, Andreas Böbe is responsible for customer support. He has been with DOMO for 24 years. …
Rottalschau: Highlight of Bavarian agriculture?
We were part of the Rottalschau and Karpfhamer Fest for the fourth time. Behind us, we have five successful days …
DOMOGRAN® 45 ammonium sulphate in testing
In the field trial from 2017/2018, the fertilisation effect of DOMOGRAN® 45 the result of fertilisation was juxtaposed with on …
Mela 2019 – Everything for agriculture in the high north
The Mela took place for the 29th Time in Mühlengeez, near Rostock. For many years, we have been present at …
Reduced fertilisation requires new expertise
The regional office for agriculture (LfL – Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft) and the state working committee for fertiliser (Landesarbeitskreis Düngung -LAD*) …
The importance of moss
It is undisputed that moss plays an important, ecological role in food and water cycle. Because moss absorbs nutrients from …
DOMOGRAN® 45 – because vitality is just as essential
By 2050, the world population is set to grow to nine billion people. To be able to feed the rapidly …
The garden – lush green, flowering, fruit bearing
With the first rays of sunshine or at the latest with the end of the last night frosts, it is …
Nitrogen – output, availability, efficacy
Everyone is talking about nitrogen, more specifically nitrates. This shows, not least, the current discussion about the amended fertiliser ordinance …
Soil fertility and nutrient supply for agricultural arable soils
An optimal humus content and appropriate nutrient ratio are essential for the stable soil structure, good water management and balanced …